Uslyšíte čtyři krátké nahrávky. Nejprve uslyšíte otázku a poté vyslechnete nahrávku. Na základě vyslechnutých nahrávek vyberte k úlohám 1–4 vždy jeden správný obrázek A–D.
1 How did Tom get to work today?
2 Which dining room set does the woman want to have?
3 What does the wife want her husband to do this Saturday?
4 Where will Barry have his birthday party?
Uslyšíte rozhovor mezi bratrancem a sestřenicí o jejich rodinách. Na základě vyslechnuté nahrávky rozhodněte, zda jsou tvrzení v úlohách 5–12 pravdivá (P), nebo nepravdivá (N).
5 The last time Alice and Billy saw each other was in February.
6 Billy is older than his cousin Alice.
7 Alice does not have Billy’s mother’s phone number in her contact list.
8 Billy is getting married in September.
9 Billy liked Alice’s wedding dress.
10 Alice and her sister Emma are twins.
11 Billy thinks Alice’s sister Emma can be trusted.
12 Alice has prepared sandwiches for Billy’s visit.
Uslyšíte část rozhlasového pořadu o nezávislých knihkupectvích. Na základě vyslechnuté nahrávky odpovězte v anglickém jazyce na otázky v úlohách 13–20. V odpovědích použijte nejvýše 3 slova. Čísla můžete zapisovat číslicemi.
Find Your Bookshop
13 How many independent bookshops are there in the UK?
14 What is the name of the independent bookshop in the city of Belfast?
15 What colour is the building where the bookshop is situated?
16 What does the bookshop sell apart from books?
17 What evening event takes place in the bookshop on Fridays?
18 What piece of furniture in the bookshop is the reporter’s favourite?
19 What type of flower is on the bookshop wrapping paper?
20 On what date will World Book Day be celebrated in the UK next year?
on _______ (day and month)
Uslyšíte čtyři krátké nahrávky. Nejprve uslyšíte otázku a poté vyslechnete nahrávku. Na základě vyslechnutých nahrávek vyberte k úlohám 21–24 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D.
21 Which rule regarding the shared fridge must everyone follow?
Put your name on your food.
All food must be in plastic boxes.
Check on your food once a month.
All drinks must be in the fridge door.
22 How does the man learn a foreign language?
by living abroad
by dating a foreigner
by studying at a school
by watching movies with subtitles
23 What does the woman think of her holiday in Rome?
It was fun.
It was tiring.
It was too short.
It was too expensive.
24 What does the man advise Jane to do?
to go on holiday
to take some pills
to lose some weight
to do some exercise
Přečtěte si pět krátkých textů. Na základě informací v textech vyberte k úlohám 25–29 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D.
25 What is going to take place in the building next weekend?
Next weekend on September 9th and 10th, there will be workers in our building. Following the recent front and back door camera installation, they will come to take care of the promised colour change of the hallway walls. Because the painters will need our lift, please, only use it when they aren’t using it. Or, use the stairs that weekend if possible. You will find the exact work schedule for each floor in your letter boxes. Remember that the boxes will be changed for new ones two days before the workers arrive, as agreed. Please also note that the newly installed front and back door cameras will be out of order for a while due to the work on September 9th and 10th. Thank you.
tenant: nájemník ↩
The lift is going to be out of order.
The hallway walls are going to be painted.
Front and back door cameras are going to be installed.
The old letter boxes are going to be replaced with new ones.
26 What is the best title for the article?
Last week a woman from Fraddon, Cornwall got up at 6 am to work in the garden before it got too hot. She took her new puppy with her to let it play. While she was working, she suddenly heard a strange noise. Her puppy must have heard the noise, too, because it started running towards the sound. The woman ran after the noise as well and got a shock when she discovered that a newborn puppy was making the noise. It was clear that the puppy had been in the garden overnight. The woman phoned her neighbour to ask him if he was searching for a puppy. He had no idea what she was talking about until he discovered that his dog, Sadie, had given birth to puppies in the night. Somehow one got into the woman’s garden. Her neighbour arrived in a minute, thanked her for calling him, and went home with the puppy to take care of it. If you want any of his dog’s puppies, call 1726 862929. The owner will be giving them away instead of selling them.
A Woman Found a Puppy in Her Garden
A Man Offers His Dog’s Puppies for Sale
A Man Searched for One of His Dog’s Puppies
A Woman Left Her Puppy in the Garden Overnight
27 What is true about the museum called The Art in Island?
The Art in Island In the Philippines, there is a museum called The Art in Island which was opened by a group of Korean artists, and it has one hundred unique 3D pictures from all over the world. Each picture was created by photographing the original paintings from specific positions to create an optical illusion. This makes you think you’ve become a part of the picture when you look at it! Each room shows a different theme. There are even some classics such as Water Lilies by Claude Monet, but, of course, these are versions made for the museum. In the future the museum hopes to expand its collections with some unique Korean art, which is missing at the moment. The museum will also include workshops to teach art students how to make 3D pictures.
(www.boredpanda.com, upraveno)
It shows a collection of unique Korean art.
It’s showing an original Monet painting at the moment.
Its pictures make visitors think they are inside of them.
It offers classes for art students to paint 3D pictures there.
28 When did Vanessa arrive home from her parents’ house last year?
Last Year’s Drive Home (blog by Vanessa Argyl)
Every year my husband and I meet my family at my parents’ house on December 24th and we always go home on the 27th in the morning. Last year we left on the usual day, but after lunch. It was Tuesday and we didn’t expect any traffic jams, and indeed there weren’t any. But what we also didn’t expect was the weather that day. Two hours after leaving, it started snowing heavily. We had to stop by the roadside and wait for the snowstorm to end. Soon we realised we would have to wait there until morning. Would you believe that we spent the 28th there as well waiting for firemen to help us get home? When they finally got to us on Thursday morning, we were cold and hungry. They quickly warmed us up, gave us some snacks and drove us home. We had to wait until Friday the 30th to be able to get our car back too. I wish we had left my parents’ house on the 27th in the morning as usual. I am sure we would have arrived home that day and not on the 29th.
December 27th
December 28th
December 29th
December 30th
29 What did Claire learn about herself during the two-month quarantine?
What did you learn about yourself during the two-month quarantine?
Claire Matthews, 17, Lakeside High School, New Hampshire:
Well, I had just started to make friends at my new school, so when my new social life stopped due to the pandemic, I was upset. See, I enjoyed being alone after school, doing homework and such. But being alone most of the day wasn’t enjoyable at all. It surprised me how much it bothered me. On the other hand, I didn’t have to set my alarm clock for 6:00 am for two months. It was great, because being up so early has always been a nightmare for me. Unfortunately getting up early is back now. However, I deal with it much better now because I discovered that I’m not bad at handling stressful situations at all. See, I created a daily schedule and followed it the whole time. That made me calm. To reduce stress, I also tried eating only healthy meals and avoiding things like hamburgers, chips, chocolate, cakes, and cookies. I realised that I could live without hamburgers and chips, but not the other three things. I couldn’t live without them.
She learnt that:
she enjoys being alone.
she can give up sweets.
she likes getting up early.
she can deal with stress well.
Přečtěte si tvrzení v úlohách 30–39 a informační text o slavném mrakodrapu The Comcast Building v New Yorku. Na základě informací v textu rozhodněte, zda jsou tvrzení pravdivá (P), nebo nepravdivá (N).
The Comcast Building
30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City
BASIC INFO -> The Comcast Building is a skyscraper, which has 66 floors and it is best known as the home of the NBC television network, and for the Rainbow Room. It is the 28th tallest building in New York City and the 60th tallest in the United States. It is 400 feet shorter than the Empire State Building which lies south of the Comcast Building.
OWNERS -> The construction of the building started in 1932 when businessman John D. Rockefeller Jr. and his family’s company finally found the land to build it on. When it was finished, its owners – the Rockefeller family company – rented some space to NBC, an entertainment company. In 2000, after almost seventy years of owning the skyscraper, the Rockefellers sold the building to Tishman Speyer Properties, a real estate company, which has owned it ever since. The Comcast Building is one of the most desired locations for companies looking for office space in New York City’s most prestigious business district. British company Deloitte, for example, moved into the skyscraper recently.
The owner has the whole building checked regularly. The last time was in 2019, five years after the last total repair of the building, which was carried out in 2014.
This is a place from which visitors have an amazing view of the city. Visitors can only use one lift to get there. It starts on the ground floor and goes directly to the roof. The other 59 lifts in the building are only used to get to the other floors. On a clear day, visitors can even see planes approaching and leaving John F. Kennedy International Airport. If the roof was a few feet higher, the airport itself could be seen as well. In 1960, a 400-pound weather radar was installed on the very top of the Comcast Building. It was used for weather forecasts for thirty-five years. Although it is now out of service, it remains in its original location due to its historic value.
This is a restaurant on the top floor of the 66-floor building. It is listed among the most popular places for weddings in New York City. On weekdays, it opens at 4:30 pm and closes at midnight. During opening hours, the Rainbow Room serves dinner to more than a thousand visitors every day. However, there were four times when the famous restaurant could not do that, either due to renovation or financial difficulties. The last time this happened was ten years ago. Let’s hope it doesn’t have to close again soon.
These are TV studios where many top talk shows are filmed. Many viewers think that the studios are on the top floors of the 66-floor building. That is because a large picture of the view from the top of the building is often used as a background for the shows. However, the studios fill the building’s first fourteen floors. The studios are open to the public from 8:20 am to 2:20 pm on weekdays. The number of tickets per hour is limited to 150 so that the total number of visitors a day is less than one thousand. Tours of the studios actually began as early as 1933, soon after the studios started working. The NBC studios have always been open to the public except for one year in which tours weren’t possible. However, the studios have never stopped working for a single day in its 90-year history.
In 2012, Hurricane Sandy hit New York City and damaged a lot of buildings. The NBC studios staff reported on the hurricane. They did so despite the danger of being in the Comcast Building at that time. The skyscraper itself remained whole and all right although it was expected to be damaged by strong winds.
(www.rockefellercenter.com, upraveno)
30 The Comcast Building is located south of the Empire State Building.
31 Two companies have owned the Comcast Building so far.
32 The last time the whole Comcast Building was repaired was in 2014.
33 There are 60 lifts altogether in the Comcast Building.
34 You can see John F. Kennedy International Airport from the roof of the Comcast Building.
35 The weather radar on the top of the Comcast Building is still used for weather forecasts.
36 The Rainbow Room and the NBC studios are on the same floor.
37 On weekdays, the Rainbow Room has more visitors than the NBC studios.
38 The Rainbow Room and the NBC studios both stopped working for some time in the past.
39 The Comcast Building was damaged by Hurricane Sandy in 2012.
Přečtěte si článek o stylu oblékání mladého Angličana. Na základě informací v textu vyberte k úlohám 40–44 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D.
Fan of the 1810s Only Wears Historical Clothes
Zack Pinsent, a 25-year-old man from Brighton, has chosen to reject modern fast fashion and only wear 1810s-style clothing. The 1810s was a period of ten years known as the Regency era so Zack is sometimes called a Regency-era gentleman. Zack burned his last pair of jeans in a symbolic fire when he was 14, and he has been dressing as a Regency-era gentleman ever since. What’s more, he has been designing clothes for other fans of history since he was 19. After 11 years of wearing 1810s-style clothing Zack is confident and says that wearing these clothes is the only way he can express himself in the 21st century.
Naturally, people look at Zack Pinsent in his 1810s-style clothing everywhere he goes. They often ask him whether he loves history or whether he is a history professor. They think that is the reason why Zack dresses as a Regency-era gentleman. Zack says, ‘The attention feels good although sometimes I become tired of answering people’s questions. The reason for my initial choice to put on historical clothes had nothing to do with a love of history. It was quite a simple one. My family and I found a box full of my great-grandfather’s old suits from the Regency era after we had moved house. I found that the suits fit me well, so I started wearing them. I was surprised how comfortable I felt in them, I hadn’t expected that. In the end, I wore nothing else. Wearing historical clothing is one of my greatest pleasures today. I can’t imagine feeling comfortable in modern clothes.’
Zack remembers a surprising moment from his school days, when he was voted the best-dressed person of the year. He won despite never wearing modern clothes to school like everybody else. However, there was one day when people could see Zack in jeans and a leather jacket. This was at a great 1950s-themed party at his classmate’s house. Zack bought the clothes especially for the occasion. He went shopping for the set of clothes with his best friend, who promised to buy it from Zack after the party. Interestingly, Zack saw his best friend a week ago. Zack was walking in a park in his usual clothes when he saw his best friend wearing the same outfit they had bought together. The jeans and the jacket remain the last pieces of modern clothing that Zack has worn.
As a child, Zack didn’t care about fashion and his mother chose or made all his clothes. When he began wearing 1810s-style clothing, he was lucky to have an uncle who knew a lot about history and historical clothes. He became Zack’s advisor. After wearing out his first suits, Zack now designs and hand-sews all his sets of clothes himself. Sometimes it takes him ten months to make them perfect. Zack believes that his designs fit even better than those made by a professional tailor.
And how do people usually react to Zack? He says, ‘I got used to the looks I receive, and I know that people aren’t studying me to make me feel embarrassed. At first, I was worried that people would be rude or upset by what I wear in public places. To my surprise, this has never been the case. Everywhere I go, people are keen on knowing more about my clothes. But I must say that I still feel a little nervous when a huge group of football fans walk towards me. My natural reaction is to look down in a shy manner to prevent aggressive behaviour. However, football fans have always been kind and asked me questions about the clothes.’
(www.bbc.com, upraveno)
40 At what age did Zack Pinsent begin to wear 1810s-style clothing?
at age 11
at age 14
at age 19
at age 25
41 Why did Zack first dress in historical clothes?
to attract attention
to feel comfortable
to express a love of history
to try out clothes he’d discovered
42 Where did Zack last wear modern clothes?
to a party
to school
to a shop
to a park
43 Who sews Zack’s historical clothes?
his mum
his uncle
Zack himself
a professional tailor
44 What is the usual reaction of people when they see Zack?
They are:
Přečtěte si požadavky pěti skupin anglických středoškolských studentů, které chtějí jet na čtyřdenní školní výlet, a nabídky resortů. Na základě informací v textech přiřaďte k úlohám 45–49 vždy jednu odpovídající nabídku A–G. Dvě nabídky jsou navíc a nebudou použity.
45 Grapevine Secondary School students _____
They want to stay at a resort in the mountains in little huts. They refuse to spend the nights in tents. They want the resort to have a shared kitchen in which they can prepare their meals. They need the resort to have a sports facility[^1].
46 Coral Spring School students _____
They want to go to a resort in the mountains where they can stay at a hostel. The resort must offer some kind of cultural event. They can either cook their own meals in a shared kitchen or eat in the restaurant. It is not important for them.
47 H. C. Dylton School students _____
They can’t wait to spend their school trip at the seaside sleeping in tents. They hope it’ll be more fun than last year’s stay in little huts in the mountains. They want to cook their own meals, so there must be a shared kitchen. There must be a sports facility1.
48 Redlands Secondary School students _____
They want to stay at a resort where they can stay in little huts. They want the resort to be at the seaside and to offer some kind of cultural event. If there is no restaurant at the resort and visitors have to cook their own meals in a shared kitchen, they won’t go there.
49 Silverleaf Hill School students _____
After a trip to the seaside last year, they now want to go to a resort in the mountains where putting up tents is allowed. It is important to them that there is a sports facility1 at the resort. They don’t care if there’s a restaurant or a shared kitchen for visitors.
Come to The Shallows Resort. It is located in the Blue Mountains, away from the sea, and offers accommodation either in little huts, or a hostel, or an area where visitors can put up their tents. There is a big shared kitchen at Shallows where all visitors can do their cooking as there’s no restaurant. Why not watch a film every night in the outdoor cinema? It is the only free-time activity the resort offers.
Visit The Glyndŵr Resort, a resort at the seaside in Wales. Apart from a beautiful view of the sea, visitors also get an amazing view of the Black Mountains 50 km away. There are little huts and a hostel in the resort. In the hostel, visitors will find a restaurant where daily meals are served. There is also a large gym in the hostel where all visitors can work out. For cultural events, visitors have to go to the nearby city.
Spend your free time in The Wrentrood Resort in the Helve Mountains, 20 km from the seaside. The resort offers a large flat area for visitors’ tents, and a main building with a restaurant and a small cinema. Please note that cooking your own meals is not allowed. Apart from the cinema where visitors can watch popular films every night, there are two tennis courts in the resort for those keen on sports.
Welcome to The Mareford Resort, a resort at the seaside, where visitors can have fun at a pool or two tennis courts. The pool is in the hostel, where visitors can find accommodation. One of the tennis courts is behind the little huts in which visitors can stay. The second court is at the resort’s area where visitors can put up their tents. A shared kitchen is available to all visitors. To enjoy cultural events, visit the city just 5 km away.
Do you fancy a beautiful view of the sea from the mountains? Then visit The Pressard Resort, a resort in the Bennies Mountains, 20 km from the sea. After visitors put up their tents, they can explore the only building in the resort. This is where visitors will find bathrooms, a restaurant, a shared kitchen and a large room where concerts and disco dancing take place daily. There are no sport facilities1 in the resort.
Welcome to The Dogskills Resort, a resort where accommodation is possible in little huts with a beautiful view of the Grampian Mountains where the resort lies. To entertain themselves, visitors can listen to live music in the main building every night, or play baseball on the baseball field next to the main building. As for meals, come to the resort’s restaurant, or make your own meals in the shared kitchen in the main building. It’s up to you.
Visit The Kearcove Resort, a resort at the seaside in Cornwall. Besides a pool, visitors can play beach volleyball there. In the evenings, an outdoor dance floor and a live band are available. Visitors to Kearcove can stay in little huts or a hostel where they will also find a shared kitchen and a restaurant. These two places are the only places in the resort for visitors to eat or make meals.
Přečtěte si článek o ostrově Tangier. Na základě textu vyberte k úlohám 50–64 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–C.
Tangier Island – The Disappearing World Tangier is a special place. People who come to the island say they didn’t (50) _________ a place like this still existed in the USA. Tangier is a tiny island with 460 inhabitants. It (51) _________ ninety miles south-east of Washington, DC, in the middle of Chesapeake Bay. It is a peaceful island where there are almost (52) _________ cars. People don’t lock their doors, mobile phones don’t work there, (53) _________ you won’t find alcohol for sale in the island’s grocery store. If visitors bring their own alcohol, they (54) _________ asked not to drink it in public. (55) _________ the past few hundred years, the only way to get on and off the island has been by boat. This is why the island is one of the last places in the USA (56) _________ people still speak the language of their colonial past.
When you (57) _________ people from the island, you immediately notice they do not speak the same way as the rest of the people in the USA. Many words (58) _________ by the inhabitants of Tangier are similar to the language of the first English settlers1. Some people have even described the Tangier way of speaking as ‘Elizabethan’ English. (59) _________ to the strange accent, there are more than 300 expressions that don’t exist anywhere else.
The inhabitants also use (60) _________ words that are from the 17th century – the time when people sailed over from England.
People living on the island (61) _________ about the future of their language. With limited jobs on the island, many people (62) _________ to leave Tangier to find work on the mainland USA. Modern technologies are also a great danger to the language. According (63) _________ many experts, the special way of speaking on the island is disappearing.
It is not only the language that is disappearing. At (64) _________ highest point, the island is only 1.2 metres high, and as sea waters rise due to climate change, more than 35,000 m2 of Tangier disappear each year. Scientists fear the island may be completely underwater by 2050.
(www.tangier-island.com, upraveno)
settler: osadník ↩
is locating
is located
will meet
are used
As well
In addition
a lot
are afraid
are worried
are frightened